How I went from a girl who was overworked getting nowhere fast, to a girl who helped so many leaders build a community and a life they love.
Before the podcast, the blog, the experience, the mentors, the online courses there was an overworked, tired teacher and leader who tried to do it all and please everyone at home and at work.
People pleaser.
Foggy brain and exhausted from trying to do it all.
Never really present and desperate for approval.
Scared to death of screwing up and not doing things right. No matter what I did, I could not get off the hamster wheel. It just kept moving in circles. It felt like groundhog day every day and I never got anything done. The ‘to do’ list was endless!
Cue: Hard Times, Motivational Gurus, the Internet, and a Thousand Mistakes…
I did not have a smooth ride into leadership. While my success in the classroom should have transferred over to my leadership in administration, let’s just say it took me awhile…
The shift from teacher to leading a school was anything but smooth and inspirational. Finally when I decided to take the leap to figuring this leadership thing out, I was plagued with “squirrel” syndrome, chronic second guessing, creating fake stories in my head, and a gut aching feeling of not being good enough. This made everything seem not so doable and a million times harder.
And when I finally did wake up and start getting some traction, I realized I had it all wrong. I am not just a leader in a school, I am leading humans and inspiring difference makers. I needed connection, intention, and a plan.
The first few years were not so pretty.
I didn’t hit eject from my cushy office and land softly into a culture full of roses and rainbows.
Every small “win” was marred by an even bigger hit of self-doubt, sunken ego and a shooting pain inside my leadership gut that taunted me with a crippling sense of “not enoughness’ and ‘what if they don’t like me!’
Long hours spent in front of the teachers without the flow and clarity to justify it.
Painful “heart-to-hearts” with teachers, desperately trying to convince them that a successful culture was just around the corner.
Missed opportunities and long hours at the office trying to figure it all out while my girls waited for their biggest fan to fill the seat at their hockey games.
Botched staff and professional learning meetings.
Half-finished initiatives.
And a community who wasn’t quite sure where I was going with all of my ideas. They wanted to believe in me… My ideas just didn’t make any sense to them….yet.
And when I finally did get traction:
I realized that I had built the wrong vision for our community.
I was trying to build a random dream in order to please others. But it wasn’t my dream or even close to what my community was looking for.
When in reality, I knew that I was simply building another people-pleasing “job” for myself that put everyone else’s big dreams ahead of my own.
So I took a final stand.
I discovered that building my own dream business and community was NOT at odds with helping others achieve theirs.
That they were in fact two sides of the same coin. So I doubled down and learned how to do it at scale. I learned:
• How to rapidly grow our community from a small trickle of to a seismic wave of loyal tribe members
• How to build time-leveraged courses that allowed me to scale my impact without burning out.
• How to create and promote webinars packed with so much value that people would set their alarm clocks at 3am just to attend
• How to share my discoveries with the world through creating an online business and meeting other like-minded leaders who know the power of sharing knowledge, modelling, and learning alongside others.
And after all that was dialed in…
I discovered how to optimize and streamline those efforts so that I would never have to explain to my daughters why I missed another hockey game.
And best of all…
I’ve had the honor of helping so many experts, educators, leaders, and entrepreneurs like you sidestep years of struggle and build amazing communities of their own.
Action by action.
Over the years, I’ve developed a reputation for teaching things “action-by-action”.
Not just “step by step”…
But actually going into the nitty gritty details that give you the confidence to build amazing, cultures in your school, your personal life, and your home without the crazy hours and crippling overwhelm.
I’ve shown teachers and leaders not only how to develop a growth minded culture but how to DO IT BETTER for not only the school’s community but for your own life as well.
I’m able to do this, because I teach what I know.
I teach what I’ve personally done to build a time-leveraged, super school culture that doesn’t rely on 80 hour work weeks or just the administrative leaders to keep afloat. It relies on the building an army of teacher leaders and engaging the entire community.
Are you ready to take the REAL, momentum-building action steps for building a personal and business culture that you love?
I know you’re ready to do the work. That’s why you are here right now.
That’s why you are in the midst of mapping out your culture plan.
That’s why you are willing to go beyond to streamline to put you in a place where people, including yourself, will root for you and your vision.
That’s why you’ve invested REAL hours and real effort trying to make this whole culture thing pay off.
By reading this, you’ve proven that you’re willing to DO the work – you just want to make absolutely sure you’re doing the RIGHT work at the RIGHT time.
And feel confident that every bit of effort you invest will pay off 100x.
Ready to take your big stand and get REAL traction in your school and your personal life?
Start by diving into one of our custom-curated collections:
How to build a lucrative connection with your community that fuels your culture.
A Little About Me
Really wants to be an author!
Named Master Teacher, Above and Beyond, and Edwin Parr for leadership and teaching awards.
Can’t get enough of the series Outlander.
Proud mama to three strong girls.
Can be found hanging out at the rink….like every waking hour…but I love it!
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